
Diane Robinson

If you want to develop your vocal gender expression, you’ve come to the right place. Diane is culturally-humble, experienced, and has proven results. She has been providing voice training to gender-diverse clients since 2016. Chicago Voice Center offers effective and engaging online and in-person lessons, classes, workshops and trainings to gender-diverse clients and organizations who serve them. Diane also leads an annual Breathing & Empathy workshop with Rush Medical Center students, brings Voice & Movement training to Chicago Sinfonietta’s Project Inclusion and hosts online webinars for actors and educators on voice and gender. Diane also works as a communication coach with executive professional development in language and culture. 

Diane’s recent work includes leading a 2-day training on gender-affirming voice for adolescents for Lurie Children’s Hospital, and presented at the Creative Bodies Creative Minds conference, the Transgender Singing Conference and at One Voice Transgender Voices Festival in St. Paul. A 30-year member of Actors Equity Association, Diane has performed professionally in theaters around the country. She has an MFA in Acting from the University of California, Irvine and is a certified Fitzmaurice Voicework teacher. Recent professional training includes Northwestern University's Transgender Voice Clinical Training Workshop, Hirsch, Helou and Block’s Transgender Voice and Communication Training for Voice Clinicians, and with the World Professional Association of Transgender Health.